Next-Generation Firewall

A Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW) is an advanced network security solution that combines traditional firewall capabilities with additional features and functionalities to provide enhanced threat detection, application control, and network visibility. Unlike traditional firewalls that primarily focus on port and protocol-based filtering, NGFWs incorporate more sophisticated technologies to identify and mitigate modern security threats effectively.

Get help with Next-Gen Firewall

Key Features

Accelerating operations

Application Awareness

NGFWs have the ability to identify and control applications traversing the network, irrespective of the port or protocol used. This enables organizations to enforce granular policies based on specific applications, allowing or blocking access as needed.

Preparing for production

Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

NGFWs include an integrated intrusion prevention system that can detect and block known and unknown threats, such as malware, exploits, and vulnerabilities, in real-time. IPS functionality helps organizations protect against both known and emerging threats.


User and Group-based Policies

NGFWs can enforce access policies based on user identities and groups, allowing organizations to define rules and permissions based on user roles or departments. This enables more fine-grained control over network access and improves security posture.


Advanced Threat Protection

NGFWs often include advanced threat protection features, such as sandboxing, file analysis, and threat intelligence integration, to detect and mitigate sophisticated threats like zero-day exploits, advanced persistent threats (APTs), and targeted attacks.


SSL Inspection

NGFWs can inspect encrypted SSL/TLS traffic to detect and prevent threats hidden within encrypted communications. This ensures that organizations maintain visibility and control over all network traffic, including encrypted traffic, to prevent malicious activities.


Centralized Management and Reporting

NGFWs provide centralized management consoles and reporting tools that allow organizations to configure, monitor, and manage firewall policies and security events from a single interface. This simplifies management tasks and enhances visibility into network security posture.


How we can help

Accelerating operations

Assessment and Requirements Gathering

Takumi Staff conducts a thorough assessment of the organization's network infrastructure, security requirements, and business objectives to determine the appropriate NGFW solution.

Preparing for production

Vendor Evaluation and Selection

Takumi Staff research NGFW vendors, evaluate their features and capabilities, and assist organizations in selecting the most suitable solution based on their specific needs and budget constraints.


Deployment and Configuration

Takumi Staff oversees the deployment and initial configuration of the NGFW solution, ensuring it is properly integrated into the organization's network environment and configured to meet security requirements.


Policy Definition and Optimization

Takumi Staff assists organizations in defining firewall policies, access controls, and threat detection rules based on best practices and industry standards. They also optimize firewall policies to maximize security effectiveness while minimizing performance impact.


Training and Knowledge Transfer

Takumi Staff provides training and knowledge transfer sessions to educate IT and security teams on NGFW management, configuration, and troubleshooting. This empowers organizations to effectively manage and maintain their NGFW solution independently.


Monitoring and Maintenance

Takumi Staff helps organizations set up monitoring tools and processes to continuously monitor NGFW performance, detect security incidents, and respond to threats in real-time. They also provide ongoing maintenance and support to ensure the NGFW solution remains effective and up-to-date.