Infrastructure Gap Assessment

Are you looking for expertise to refine your Technology footprint? Through meticulous assessments, we identify gaps and inefficiencies. Engage in comprehensive consulting with us, where we deliver actionable recommendations for enhancing your IT landscape.

Audit my infrastrucure
1. Why conduct an audit?


When is it necessary to audit your infrastructure? Our clients typically seek our audit services in three distinct scenarios

Accelerating operations

Compliance Requirements

Frameworks like NIST SP 800-53, HITRUST i1, PCI require organizations to have policies in place that mandate yearly reviews at a minimum.

Preparing for production

Shift Left

They want to introduce security early into the SDLC process by enhacing confidence in code build and deployment strategies.



They are weary of relying on multiple interdependent systems and desire a shift towards greater modularity. They are in pursuit of professional guidance to evaluate their existing setup and strategize for upcoming advancements.

2. The Takumi Way

Our Digital Transformation

In an age marked by continual evolution, Takumi Cloud specializes in identifying gaps within your infrastructure and cloud architecture, facilitating a seamless transition into the modern era. Our mission is to revamp traditional business processes and services, crafting innovative solutions that align with the evolving needs of the landscape and, notably, your customers. Leveraging our expertise, Takumi Cloud facilitates the transformation of all facets of your organization, spanning workflows, supply chains, employee management, and customer interactions. This comprehensive approach empowers your organization to swiftly and efficiently adapt to the ever-changing dynamics of the economy.

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Compliance Audit

Compliance Audit

Discovering an audit finding isn't a disaster! Remember, even the biggest and most thriving companies have encountered compliance audit issues. What's crucial is understanding the severity and duration of the policy breach - consider the risk level of this audit finding, any counteracting procedures or controls in place, and the duration of this oversight. Our Compliance experts conduct a comprehensive audit of your infrastructure to provide optimization advice and improve the performance of your Information System (SI). If it's an option, offer to present a management response to the findings, detailing the corrective measures the organization plans to implement. Providing thorough details helps auditors understand the full scope of the issue. For example, in a case I handled, a former employee wrongly received stock. However, the company managed to rectify this by reversing the transaction. Consequently, we could report that although there was a finding, it didn't result in any financial loss to the company.


K8S Audit

Our team of experts will conduct a comprehensive examination of your Kubernetes infrastructure, assessing key areas such as configuration settings, access controls, network policies, and resource allocation. Through this audit, we'll identify potential vulnerabilities and ensure alignment with industry standards, empowering your organization to optimize the efficiency and reliability of your Kubernetes environments.

ISO27001 HDS build

Cloud Architecture Audit

Our dedicated team will conduct a thorough examination of your cloud infrastructure, scrutinizing configurations, security measures, scalability, and compliance. Through this audit, we aim to identify optimization opportunities, mitigate risks, and ensure alignment with industry best practices. With our tailored recommendations, you'll enhance the efficiency, security, and scalability of your cloud architecture, empowering your business to thrive in the digital landscape. Let us be your partner in elevating your cloud infrastructure to new heights.


Staying at the forefront of technology

AWS Amazon Web Services Azure Microsoft Azure docker Docker Kubernetes Kubernetes logo-googlecloud-svg Google Cloud

Prometheus Prometheus

Our partners

Google Cloud, Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Kubernetes trust us to implement their technologies in for our clients.

Microsoft Azure
5. Our Design Principles

Each Audit follows the following process

Agile methodology
  1. Objective Setting

    Clearly define the objectives of the audit. What are you trying to achieve, and what is the scope of the audit? Objectives should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound (SMART).

  2. Risk Assessment

    Conduct a risk assessment to identify potential areas of concern or weakness within the audited subject. This helps prioritize audit efforts and resources where they are needed most.

  3. Independence and Objectivity

    Ensure that the audit team is independent and free from bias. Auditors should not have a vested interest in the outcome and should maintain objectivity throughout the process.

  4. Planning and Scoping

    Develop a comprehensive audit plan that outlines the scope, timeline, resources, and methodology for the audit. Adequate planning helps in efficiently achieving audit objectives.

  5. Documenting Evidence

    Maintain clear and organized documentation of all audit evidence, including findings, observations, and supporting documentation. This ensures transparency and accountability.

  6. Communication

    Regularly communicate with relevant stakeholders, including management and those responsible for the audited subject. Transparency and open communication help in addressing issues as they arise.

6. Inside Look

The deliverables

Below are some sample deliverables our team offers to our clients, tailored according to the selected approach:

Infrastructure Gap Assessment Audit Score

Prioritized Roadmap

A prioritized roadmap neatly showcases the major outcomes and deliverables that Takumi Cloud will prepare for a client. Based on the findings from an assessment or gap analysis, tasks for remediation are prioritized off of their impact and severity in order to close the most important gaps first. Clients and relevant teams receive a strategic plan that communicates upcoming changes effectively to ensure visibility from start to finish.



The Gantt chart outlines the timeline and key phases of an infrastructure gap assessment conducted by Takumi Cloud for a client, mapping out tasks, their durations, and dependencies. It details the project from initiation, through the detailed assessment of the current IT landscape, identification of gaps, and development of an optimization roadmap, to the final presentation of findings and recommendations. The chart serves as a visual project management tool, ensuring all stakeholders are aligned on milestones, deliverables, and timelines for the infrastructure optimization journey.

7. Our promise

Reducing Risk and Ensuring Compliance

Ensuring your success remains our utmost priority. That's why it is crucial for us to offer our expertise in these intricate matters. However, our commitment to supporting you extends beyond this:

  • transparency

    Total transparency on standard requirements

  • expertise

    High-level on-prem, cloud and cybersecurity expertise to deliver quality audit's rapidly

  • compliance done right

    Compliance done right! Implementation that does not take away from existing personel.

  • rapid-deploy

    Rapid deployment as in any industry