Terraform by HashiCorp

Takumi staff can significantly enhance your ability to leverage Terraform by providing expertise and support throughout your infrastructure provisioning and management processes. Terraform is a powerful Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool that allows you to define and manage your infrastructure using declarative configuration files. Here are some key benefits of using Terraform and how Takumi staff can assist you

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1. Introduction


Automation, in the context of IT infrastructure management, refers to the process of using tools, scripts, or platforms to perform tasks and operations without manual intervention. This approach streamlines workflows, increases efficiency, reduces errors, and enables scalability. Automation can encompass various aspects of infrastructure management, including provisioning, configuration management, monitoring, scaling, and deployment.

Accelerating operations

Infrastructure Provisioning

Takumi staff helps customers automate the provisioning of infrastructure resources using tools like Terraform. By defining infrastructure configurations as code, customers can easily spin up and tear down resources on-demand, eliminating manual provisioning processes and reducing the time required to deploy new infrastructure.

Accelerating operations

Landing Zone / Vending Machine

Takumi staff can leverage Infrastructure as Code (IaC) methodologies to build landing zones and vending machines, enabling the creation of business unit-specific accounts and subscriptions with enhanced capabilities such as isolation, cost reduction, and chargeback.

Preparing for production

CI/CD for IaC

Takumi staff helps customers implement CI/CD pipelines to automate the build, test, and deployment of applications. By integrating version control systems, automated testing frameworks, and deployment tools, customers can accelerate the delivery of software updates and improvements, ensuring faster time-to-market and higher quality releases.

2. Terraform Experts

Provisioning with Terraform

Elevate your Infrastructure as Code (IaC) initiatives with our team's expertise in Terraform best practices and patterns. Explore essential topics such as Terraform code organization, parameterization techniques, modularity principles, testing strategies, and integration with CI/CD pipelines. Our experienced team empowers organizations to adopt standardized approaches to Terraform development and deployment, ensuring efficiency, scalability, and maintainability across their IaC workflows.

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Terraform Code Optimization

Streamline your Terraform codebase for improved performance and efficiency with our team's expertise in code optimization techniques. We analyze your existing Terraform configurations, identify areas for optimization, and implement strategies such as code refactoring, resource consolidation, and parallel execution to enhance deployment speed and reduce infrastructure costs.


Parameterization Strategies

Customize and parameterize your Terraform configurations to meet specific infrastructure requirements with precision. Our team specializes in designing parameterization strategies that leverage variables, input parameters, and data sources effectively, enabling dynamic configuration adjustments and seamless adaptation to evolving business needs.

ISO27001 HDS build

Modularization Solutions with Terraform Modules

Leverage the power of Terraform modules to modularize your infrastructure provisioning process and promote reusability and consistency. Our team designs and implements Terraform module solutions tailored to your organization's unique requirements, enabling you to encapsulate and abstract infrastructure components, enhance collaboration, and accelerate deployment cycles.

3. Features

Cloud Agnostic

Terraform is considered cloud-agnostic due to its ability to manage infrastructure across various cloud providers and even on-premises environments using a unified configuration language. Here's how Terraform's cloud-agnostic nature compares to Azure ARM templates, Azure Bicep, AWS CloudFormation, and AWS CDK, along with its benefits:

Accelerating operations


Terraform uses a declarative configuration language called HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) or JSON to define infrastructure. It has provider plugins for major cloud providers like AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), as well as other infrastructure platforms like Kubernetes, VMware, and more.

Accelerating operations

Azure ARM templates and Azure Bicep

Azure ARM templates and Bicep are specific to the Azure ecosystem. While ARM templates use JSON, Bicep offers a more human-readable DSL (Domain Specific Language) that compiles to ARM templates.

Preparing for production

AWS CloudFormation and AWS CDK

AWS CloudFormation and AWS CDK are specific to the AWS ecosystem. AWS Cloudformation can use JSON or YAML to define infrastructure while AWS CDK allows developers to define infrastructure using familiar programming languages like TypeScript, Python, or Java. Like Azure Bicep, AWS CDK compiles down to CloudFormation templates.

4. Access Control

Dynamic Credentials (OIDC)

Employing OpenID Connect (OIDC) alongside Terraform and Git for resource provisioning yields significant advantages. It bolsters security by associating strong authentication mechanisms with specific Git repositories and branches, ensuring secure access to modify infrastructure.

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Azure - OpenID vs Client Secret

OpenID enhances security by offering granular access control, authorizing access based on the origin of authentication requests. For instance, by federating the AzureAD app with GitHub, authentication requests are routed through this channel. Specific repository authorization can be enforced based on factors such as environment, branch, pull request, or tag. Unlike client secrets, which can be shared and used by various sources without oversight, OpenID introduces essential control and additional layers to manage access to Azure subscriptions thoroughly, ensuring only authorized entities can interact with your resources.


AWS - OpenID vs IAM access and secret keys

AM Access Keys serve as long-term credentials allowing IAM users or the root user to initiate programmatic calls to AWS. Comprising an access key ID and a secret access key, they are utilized to sign requests to the AWS CLI or API. It's imperative to handle IAM access keys with care, avoiding embedding them within applications, even when stored in encrypted form. Considering the benefits and characteristics outlined, adopting OpenID in AWS facilitates streamlined authentication, heightened security, and superior key management via external identity providers, in contrast to traditional access and secret keys management.

5. Security Tools

Security, Compliance via GitOps

Takumi staff utilizes Snyk, a security scanning tool, in addition to other tools, to identify vulnerabilities within their infrastructure code and dependencies. These tool can scan various components such as application code, dependencies, Docker images, Kubernetes configurations, and Terraform configurations for known security vulnerabilities and issues.

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Automated Enforcement

Sentinel policies are automatically enforced during Terraform plan and apply operations. This ensures that any infrastructure changes proposed or made by Takumi staff comply with defined policies and adhere to security and governance standards.


Policy as Code

Sentinel is HashiCorp's policy as code framework, integrated with Terraform, which enables Takumi staff to define and enforce custom policies and compliance rules within their infrastructure code. These policies cover security, compliance, and governance requirements.

ISO27001 HDS build

Automated Compliance

Through the integration of Snyk ,Sentinel, and other tools, Takumi staff automates compliance checks and security scans as part of their infrastructure deployment and management processes. This enables Governance as Code, where security and compliance requirements are encoded into infrastructure code and automatically enforced during provisioning and maintenance operations.